1.有关交通安全的话题作文 说起交通,人人都会想到两个字:车祸。是呀,有许多人就是因为不遵守交通规则酿成车祸,轻者造成残疾,重者失去宝贵的生命。其实,车祸是可以避免的。 前年,我们学校几个五年级学生在放学的马路上并排骑车。转弯时,有一个学生来个突然超车,同行的伙伴还没反应过来,几辆车子已撞在了一起,他从车上重重地摔了下来。经医生检查左膀两处骨折,前后做了两次手术,共花了上万元的医药费,也落下了许多功课。假如他们遵守交通规则,不并排骑车,不超车,也就不会发生这一交通事故。 有些人为了省钱,喜欢坐一些超载车、报废车,也酿成了惨祸。去年7月13日上午,在我们高邮境内淮江公路马棚段发生三车相撞特大交通事故,一共七人死亡八人受伤。这是由于一辆满载乘客的中巴车反向超车,与迎面开来的大客车相撞,大客车后面的一辆车躲闪不及,又与前面的车追尾相撞。据目击人说,当时的情景惨不忍睹:三辆车已严重变形,满地都是鲜血,哭喊声、呻 吟声、求救声连成一片……这场车祸使几个家庭失去了亲人,给人们造成极大的伤害,真是车祸猛于虎呀!如果当时司机心中有交通规则,不开超载车,不强行超车,如果乘客心中有交通规则,不乘超载车,这场车祸也许就可以避免了。 同学们,社会的进步离不开交通安全的发展,发展的交通企盼安全的环境,让我们自觉遵守交通规则,走文明路、骑文明车、做文明人。 2.有关交通安全的话题作文 遵守交通规则这人人皆知,可偏偏有一部分人充耳不闻,视而不见。把遵守交通规则当成儿戏,在我们的日常生活中就有不少人因为出车祸而丧失了性命,他们是平白无故出车祸的吗?不是的,是因为他们没有遵守交通规则而导致的。 在学校里老师反复强调在路上不要并排骑自行车,可是有一部分同学就把老师的话当成了耳旁风,呼得一下早已抛到了九霄云外,后果,可想而知。同学们一定要记住:一失足成千古恨。 我要告诉大家的是:生命是万分之短暂,而且只有一次。所以,大家一定要加倍珍爱生命,更确切的说不热爱生命,就会害己害人害社会……百害而无一利。不论你珍爱生命也好,不珍爱生命也罢,都应有则改之,无则加勉。 常言道:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,我想只要我们坚持,只要我们努力,大家总有一天会豁然悔悟。 我坚信:疮痍满目的“旧社会”将会一去不复返,而万象更新的“新社会”正迈着矫健的步伐向我们21世纪的青少年走来。 3.有关交通安全的话题作文 热闹的街道,川流不息的汽车,构成了一幅美丽的画卷。交通安全,人人有责,但是交通事故却像一个“公路杀手”,悄悄摸进了我们的生活,打破了我们这个美满而又平静的生活。 三叉路口,一辆红色的小轿车飞驰而来。一个20出头,蛮“靓”的“后生仔”端坐在驾驶室内,一手把着方向盘,一手拿着手机,正谈笑风生地说着什么。红灯亮了,小轿车还一如既往地向前奔着。“公路杀手”摇身一变,一辆载着西瓜的货车稳稳地向轿车驶去。“砰”的一声,一幅惨不忍睹的悲剧发生了……“公路杀手”嘿嘿地冷笑了几声,化作一股黑烟飞身离去。 马路边,一幢五层楼房规模初成,一大堆石头,霸占了三分之一的路面。远方,一个不戴头盔又载着两个人的年轻小伙子骑着摩托车疾驰而来。“公路杀手”瞅见了,鬼计又生,它化成一阵狂风,狠狠地对那摩托车使了使劲,终于使它把握不住,一头栽向那个石头堆。殷红的鲜血汩汩流出,一幕人仰马翻的惨剧又发生了……“公路杀手”看着它的杰作,得意地摇了摇身子。 不远处,传来了一阵清脆悦耳的歌声。原来是一个十多岁的少年正一边骑着自行车,一边唱着歌谣悠然地来了。瞧,他多快乐呀!一会儿在马路上跳“S”舞,一会儿来个单放手,一会儿又摇头晃脑地东瞅瞅西看看……“公路杀手”觉得这孩子实在太可爱了,决心捉弄他一下,于是“鬼点子”又上来了。它摇身一变,一个满头白发、拄着拐仗的老头儿在路边颤巍巍地走着。少年毫不提防路边猛然冒出个老爷爷,心慌之下,一个急刹车,却又把握不住,连车带人摔倒在地上,歌声瞬间成了呻 吟声…… 朋友们,交通安全和我们息息相关。多少人,因为一时的粗心大意,疏忽了交通安全的重要性,不但车毁人亡,也带给了别人无法弥补的伤害。这些血淋淋、惨不忍睹的车祸,处处可见,造成了多少家庭的悲哀啊! “交通安全,人人有责”,我们一定要时刻警惕“公路杀手”的侵犯,处处注意交通安全,使我们的生活更快乐,更幸福。 4.有关交通安全的话题作文 当大家高高兴兴过马路时,是否会想到自己的‘放心’是由在马路上指挥车辆或引导小朋友过马路的民警叔叔用辛勤的汗水换来的?在烈日当头的时候,民警叔叔依然坚守岗位。为了人们的安危,他们尽力把车辆指挥得更有秩序;为了保证人们的安全,他们与那毒辣而又火红的太阳斗争着,我不时看见几滴晶莹透亮的汗珠从民警叔叔额头上渗下来。 冬天,无论是刮着凛冽的寒风,还是下着鹅毛大雪,民警叔叔仍不顾一切困难,尽全力维护交通秩序,保证了人民安全。虽然我们被冷风吹得直打哆嗦,可每当看到民警叔叔不畏困难的精神时,心里还是暖洋洋的。 一个秋天日的早晨,天气很冷,走在上学路上的我忽然看见一位身着军装的叔叔扶着一位衣着单薄的老奶奶正在过马路。最后还把自己的大衣脱下来披在老奶奶身上。这种助人为乐的精神,我看在眼里,记在心里,感动极了。星期六早晨,天气晴朗,我和妈妈出去放风筝。看见一个小孩正在过马路。突然一辆巴士好似离弦的箭一般飞奔而来,可他没注意。大概在车离小孩仅仅只有2、3米的地方,一个民警叔叔扑过来。那个小孩虽然获救了,而民警叔叔的脚却被轧伤了。 民警叔叔这种舍己救人的精神值得我们学习。我们应该从小做一个“小民警”,学习民警叔叔那种助人为乐、舍己救人、无私奉献的精神。 5.有关交通安全的话题作文 造物主给予我们生命,让我们来到这缤纷多彩的大千世界,感受亲情的美好,友情的珍贵,难道我们不应该珍惜这样的幸福吗? 当我跟着爸妈在公园里游玩或在学校跟着老师做游戏,我感觉我的生活是多么幸福和美好!但是生活总有这样或那样的小插曲打破这种宁静。 那一天,我和妈妈正准备睡觉,突然接到舅妈的电话,在电话那边舅妈泣不成声“舅舅出事了,被大卡车撞倒了?”。妈妈着急地带着我赶往医院,在医院的长廊,我看见一个人大腿汩汩流血,血肉模糊,脸色惨白,听大人们着急地议论那就是舅舅。我连叫几声舅舅,可是舅舅已经昏迷过去了。姥姥和舅妈在旁边哭泣,见此情景我也吓得哭起来。 过了一会儿,舅舅被推进急救室,大人们才镇静下来。原来舅舅骑电动摩托车转弯时,一辆大卡车闯红灯连人带车把舅舅拖拽了好远,幸亏被人发现了。肇事司机坐在旁边一个角落耷拉着头,他既难过又担心。听司机同事说,因为他开车出事有可能丢掉工作。 听见大人们的议论,我心里想交通事故太可怕了,害人害己,我那热爱打篮球的舅舅何时才能重返球场,舅妈姥姥何时才能重展笑容,妈妈什么时候才会开开心心陪我玩,交通事故破坏多少人的家庭幸福啊!如果我们每个人心中都有交通规则,每个人都自觉遵守交通规则,我相信这一切都可以避免的。 同学们让我们自觉遵守交通规则,同时提醒监督我们周围的人,生命的安全、健康、美好系于交规。高中高三作文400字:突如其来的车祸
A Car Accident一场车祸
A car accident of which I was the victim occurred a few months ago at Hoping Road and Chiho Road. The memory of that harrowing experience can still make my heart go pit-a-pat. One day when crossing a street intersection I was suddenly enthralled by the sight of a beautiful girl in miniskirt walking on the sidewalk. For a moment I was oblivious of the onrushing traffic then shrills of alarm arose and I woke up from my daydream with a start. But it was too late, I was hurtled to the ground by a passing car. I can’t think why I was so careless at that point. What a fool I was to cross a busy intersection when I was dangerously distracted by the sight of an attractive girl. If only such a terrible experience had never happened to me! I wish I could see her again, but certainly not at a street intersection and not when I was behaving like a fool.
Whenever I look in the mirror and see the scar on my face I remember that cad accident. I t was a dirk night. I had a very good time at a marvelous birthday party thrown for a friend of mine. We ate and drank and danced happily. I thought I had drunk too much to drive home; however, when the party was over, I jumped into my car and drove away lightheartedly. There were only a few cars on the highway, so I drove faster and faster. Suddenly I screamed and fell unconscious. The next thing I knew was that I was in a hospital, and a few days later when I checked out I found my face was indelibly scarred. I was so put out by the accident. I wish it hadn't happened. Why on earth didn't I drive more slowly? I f only I hadn't drunk so much and what a fool I was to have a drunken driving. That accident has surely taught me a lesson and I think it is not only a good lesson but also an unforgettable experience.
On a holiday morning I drove home from my uncle's. The streets were as usual not crowded. I enjoyed a leisurely driving. Nearing a crossroads, I saw the yellow traffic light flashing off and on. A highway bus was running toward me, but it was still a safe distance away. I drove on. Then, to my horror, I was aware that the big bus was rushing head-on to me. I swerved my car and applied the brake, but it was too late. I heard a loud crash when the bus sideswiped the right door of my car in the middle of the street. At the sight of the big bus standing close by, I was rather frightened. Why on earth didn’t I stop and wait till it passed? I should have remembered that caution is all that matters in safe driving. The bus driver seemed to give me a warning; a small car should yield its right of way to a bigger one. What a fool I was to put myself at the mercy of a big bus! I have learned that it is better to give way to a big bus than to take a chance with the dubious considerateness of its driver and be ruined. If only my small car were as strongly built as a tank!
At the roundabout of the West-Gate Mall in Taipei have you ever seen a high hoarding that shows in numerical figures the incidence of traffic accidents registered daily in Taipei? It is of course a warning to car drivers. I used to see those figures, however, with nonchalance. Although I had a motorbike and rode it to work everyday, most to the time I rode it carefully, and only once in a while I sped on the road for fear of being late to work for a date. A car accident would never victimize me, I thought. I was always lucky. But, alas, I eventually became the victim of a car accident which forced me to lie in a hospital for about fourteen months and become a news-maker in spite of myself. That day a bus was running in my direction and not far from it was bus stop. I was so na?ve as to think that the bus driver would pay heed to me. No sooner and I seen that bus approaching me than I sensed I was hurled off my motorbike. When I woke up feeling pain and soreness from head to toe, a nurse told me that I was in a critical condition upon arrival at the hospital and that I was lucky because the doctors decided to operate on me instantly. Now I am alive and well, though I have ugly scars all over my body as a result of eight operations and a maimed leg to boot. I have paid really much too much for a careless driver.
Whenever I start my car I cannot help recalling a nightmarish experience. That experience was connected with a car accident in which I nearly got killed. The accident came a few months ago when I was turning the corner of a hillside within a short distance of my home. Having driven non-stop for many hours, I was clean done in; so I stopped my car and opened the door to get out to take a breather. I was so absorbed in the thought that I would soon see my folks after a long absence that I did not pay attention things around me. Then, just as I got off the car, something hit me and I fell and lay in a puddle of blood. Despite my blurred vision I saw a motorcycle pass by at full speed. Then I became unconscious. When I woke up I found myself in a hospital. My leg, forehead and elbows were all bound up in white bandage. Furthermore, many places on my body were bruised. I had been hospitalized for fourteen days. I can't think why I was so careless at that point; had I been more careful I would have avoided that terrible accident. If only such a harrowing experience had never happened! But I think I have learned a lesson from it. We Chinese have a saying, "One who has narrowly escaped a tremendous disaster will live happily ever after." I hope such prediction will come true soon.
It was the first time I had driven a car all by myself. I had just got a driver’s license and my husband was away on a business trip. Without the ear-piercing chattering of either my husband or the impatient coach, I was having a joy ride along the winding highway 3. Whistling in the warm breeze, I was driving fast and in a relaxed mood. Before long, I was forced to slow down by a huge cement tanker lumbering along ahead of me on the two-lane highway. Never had I seen such a huge monster before; I missed the comforting chattering of my husband very much. Having followed it for ten minutes or so, I steeled myself to step on the accelerator. As soon as I thought I had passed it and re-entered the right lane, I heard a loud crash on the right side of my car. I could not remember how long the shock had lasted, but as I pinched myself to find I was still alive, I was bold enough to keep on driving and the huge monster was lagging far behind me as if nothing had happened. No sooner had I parked my new laser than I found the whole right side of my car was smashed out of shape. Why on earth didn’t I follow that tanker with precaution and patience? I should have realized how poor my driving skill still was. How I wish I had never gone home that day!
Tom and I drove to Tainan last month. As it was a holiday, traffic on the freeway was heavy. I asked Tom to fasten the safety belt, but he said it couldn’t do any good in emergency and turned a deaf ear to my advice. About thirty minutes later, the accident happened. The car before us suddenly slowed down, but Tom couldn’t stop ours in time and the result was a bumper crash. I screamed to find that Tom’s face was covered with blood. He suffered a slight brain concussion, but I, thanks though scared to death. The scar left on Tom’s forehead could still be seen when I called on him yesterday. “I wish I had taken your advice. What a fool I was to doubt the use of the safety belt!” said Tom with a wry smile. “Why on earth didn’t I insist that you fasten it? If only I had insisted! The injury could have been reduced to a minimum,” I also blamed myself.
Describe an unforgettable experience叙述一个无法忘怀的经历
When I was six years old, my cousin in Tainan got married. Five of us, including Father, Mother, my two brothers and myself, took a taxi to the wedding party. The scenery was beautiful all along the way. When I was looking at the scenery, however, the door of the taxi suddenly opened and I fell off immediately. Father and Mother took me to a hospital at once. Fortunately, only my nose broke. After treatment, I went to the party with a "red nose."
Mother told me later that if there had been a car coming from behind us, I would have been killed. It was a close call indeed. Since then I have never taken a taxi without first making sure that the doors are closed fast.
Describe an unforgettable experience叙述一个无法忘怀的经历
One day when I was a child, I saw an ad about a missing dog in the paper. As my next door neighbor had a German shepherd like the one described in the ad, I called the owner of the missing dog to tell him that. I also gave him my neighbor's telephone number.
I had almost forgot about the whole thing when I heard my neighbor talking in a loud voice one night. I rushed to the window immediately to see what was going on. "I am sorry, but this dog really belong to us. We have kept it for almost eight years now," my neighbor was explaining to a tall stranger.
Suddenly I felt rather guilty, for my childish suspicion of my neighbor seemed totally unjustified. But I didn't have the courage to tell him that it was I who had caused him all this trouble. I have been silent about this thing until now.
Describe an unforgettable experience叙述一个无法忘怀的经历
Everybody has some experience he cannot forget. For me, the most unforgettable experience was taking part in an English conversation test. This occurred about three years ago when I had to take an English examination, including conversation, in order to go to the United States.
English was my second language; I had difficulty even with reading and writing, not to mention speaking. Naturally I was very nervous when it was my turn to face the examiners, one a gentleman and another a young lady. They asked me something about sports, sightseeing, Chinese culture, the purpose of my going to the States and so on. I was simply too nervous to be able to make any sensible answer. In fact, I could hardly open my mouth. The interview took about ten minutes, but it seemed years to me. When it was over, my shirt was thoroughly wet.
This was the first time I talked to foreigners in English. This was an experience I am not likely to forget.
An Embarrassing Experience一次尴尬的经历
As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn't recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.
One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!
作文标题: 突如其来的车祸
关 键 词: 高中高三 400字
字 数: 400字作文
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这是下午放学时分,我和王恩煜同学正走在淮河北路上坡道上,看见非机动车道上有一辆电动助力车风驰电掣的相向冲来,这时一辆乌黑发亮的小轿车突然从马路中央拐入非机动车道,那辆电动助力车一时无所适从,左避右让也没能逃过一劫,无可奈何地与之来了一个“kess”, 电动助力车被这番“激情”弄得人仰马翻,骑手瘫软地躺在地面上痛苦地呻吟着,让我们不由地倒吸了一口凉气,心猛地提到嗓子眼上。轿车司机虽安然无恙,却也慌里慌张地开始拨打求助电话…… 来自:作文大全 这一幕如同一堂生动的安全教育课,使我懂得了遵守交通安全法规的重要性和 来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.com 人的生命的如此脆弱,一定会时刻提醒我过马路时要小心小心再小心。
安徽省铜陵市淮河路小学602班 潘航 《突如其来的车祸》这篇优秀的“一年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。